So for Grace Kelly I have ended up going with the antithetical representation of her by, showing her symbol interacting with a wintery scene and warming away the snow. Her symbol, the saxophone, is standing in for her warm/sultry tone that she achieves with both her sax and her voice. At the same time I wanted to elude to her youth and also appeal to a younger audience. This is what led me to make the smooth, flowing, playful, and graphic stylistic vector composition that I did. The way in which the type moves freely, echos the movement in the snow drifts, and this movement also leads the eye around to the saxophone. From there the snow drifts movement leads the eye down to the Folly Theater logo and other important information that resides in the banner. I believe I have successfully represented the Grace Kelly Quintet in a way that stays conceptually grounded in both my perception of her and the founding rhetorical tropes. Visually I believe the poster would be appropriate for a younger audience, but would not offend the older regulars of the theater. I also think that the pop of orange/yellow will grab your attention from the street and the rest of the color palette will be appropriate for the season.
This is my earliest success out of the earlier/later iterations. My biggest problem has been getting the color of the grass and the type correct. The type here is beginning to do what I want it to with the exception of the "featuring Phil Woods" line. The color of the grass is still clashing heavily with the color of the sax, but the sax has been more appropriately simplified from the one I had used before. The grass now also suffers from being too detailed. I begin to see the grinch hand problem stemming from that detail.
Here is the poster that I went with to show the people from the Folly Theater. Everything seems in order except fot the green in the grass is now not green enough, but...
I quickly solve that by warming up the green, while not making it too vibrant against the orange of the sax.
Here are the iterations for possible billboards, based off of the same poster.
Here is the final iteration for the billboard format.
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